The National Air Duct Cleaners Association (NADCA) recommends you should have your air ducts cleaned every three to five years because of the filth that accumulates, as many homeowners are aware of. In addition to the pet dander, fur, and a number of other airborne particles, the air ducts are riddled with pollen, insect corpse fragments, dust, dirt, dead skin cells and hair. People vulnerable to more severe asthma, allergies, and other ailments can experience more attacks from this buildup and it can impact the air quality. However, right after a home renovation, it is important that your air ducts are cleaned as soon as possible. The importance of getting the air ducts cleaned after any kind of demolition, remodel, renovation or construction project in Sarasota, FL is what we at DNA Air Duct would like to discuss today.
Why Should I Clean My Air Ducts after Construction?
Remove Construction Dust – During a remodeling project, there is more dust floating around the home, for starters. The contractors walking in and out of your home are kicking up a lot of dirt and letting the outdoor debris in as well as when the floors are ripped up, cabinets removed, and breaking down walls all contribute to extra dirt and debris. More dirt is created when it comes from the renovations and that debris accumulates in the ducts as the extra volume of dirt sucks it into the system as the HVAC system works to heat or cool your home. Because the air the unit is pulling in is dirtier and all the dirt and dust can then get trapped in your ducts, the ducts get dirtier faster simply.
Get Rid of Small Metal Shavings: It can be brought into the ducts as the metal shaving, lead particles, and other related debris is so fine. As with most specks of dust, breathing in steel dust and other metal shavings can cause irritation and damage to the soft tissues in your nose, throat and mouth which can lead to inflammation, pain, difficulties swallowing and skin irritation. Metal shavings in the ducts will have you breathing them in until they are cleaned, and lead in particular can have serious effects with long term exposure!
Clear Wood Saw Dust: During a home renovation, saw dust is massively produced. When it comes to air ducts, the saw dust in air ducts can be a detriment. As the saw dust is continuously being circulated back in the air you breathe it continues to impact your health and quickly build up your filters. Saw dust can restrict breathing and cause respiratory problems. Saw dust can restrict breathing and cause respiratory problems.
Clear Drywall Dust: During manufacturing, drywall has a lot of chemicals infused in it. The dust is released and then, it taints the air and affects the air ducts when the drywall is cut.
We Clean Ductwork in Tampa, Saint Petersburg, Clearwater, Fort Myers, Sarasota, Bradenton, Myakka City, Englewood, Arcadia, Fort Myers, Miami, North Port, and Lakewood Ranch!
It is essential you get the air ducts cleaned with DNA Air Duct following any kind of remodeling, renovation, or construction project in your home. To ensure the air ducts are thoroughly and efficiently cleaned to remove all of the hazards the construction project introduced into your air ducts, our experts use specialized equipment, customized for the task. When you want to ensure clean, pure indoor air, call us to schedule your comprehensive air duct cleaning service at the conclusion of your renovations.